Post 1 - The Universe Is Too Big & Earth's To Diverse For Us To Be Alone

 Why alien hunters have spent 60 years finding new solutions for the Drake  Equation | National Geographic


 The Earth is a Planet :


The Sun is a Star :




The Sun (star), our planet(Earth) & the other planets(Mars etc) make a solar system & ours is only one of many within our galaxy, the milky way :

 Even though light travels at 670 million mph - it would still take light 100 thousand years to travel all the way across the galaxy, edge to edge.

There are 2 trillion galaxies in the universe :

Earth is 1 of estimated 100 Billion planets in just our galaxy alone :

Earth ( just 1 planet ) produced millions of species :



" The comparison of Christ with the astronomical Sun is common in ancient Christian writings.[73] " -

Without >the sun< , the planet & almost ALL life goes extinct :

Summary :

  • Drakes Equation statistics model says there is 15.6 million advanced species in just our milky way galaxy.When we also consider that this 1 planet (Earth) produced millions of different species how couldn't we consider that a single species does not exist beyond earth ? There are 2 Trillion Galaxies in the observable universe & so the statistics for advanced aliens is actually 15.6 million x 2 trillion. is it possible we are aliens just like we are in Avatar/ Planet Pandora, is that one reason why it's so popular worldwide?


Conclusion :


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